Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Groove of Mojo

I was inspired today by something i saw and had to do this to put a groove back into my step. I enjoyed working on this thoroughly.. just for fun! Sometimes when inspiration hits you have to go with flow (Lidz).

Monday, August 9, 2010

Kestrel Air Rebrand

Kestrel Air Original Logo.
Brief: Create a new logo to reflect old school travel with a 5 star luxury appeal to cater for those who fly for Hunting Safaris and Walkabouts.
Target Market: Wealthy foreigners, enthusiastic about African Luxury Safaris.

Kestrel Air New Logo.
Concepts: The Kestrel: The "K"-  Wings, talons, grace, flight
Africa: Colours, texture, patterns, font
Air Travel: The "K" represents the rear upright wing of an aircraft and can be easily used as branding on the wing itself

Monday, August 2, 2010

Victoria Sunset

Sunset in Livingstone over the truly inspirational Victoria Falls. Mosi-O-Tunya (The Smoke That Thunders)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kariba Dam Pano

A group of us had decided to go to Kariba this past weekend and we were fortunate enough to witness the gates open. 3 out of the 6 were fully open. This pano is about 13 images stitched. The gates have been open for the past 6 weeks due to extremely high levels of water in the dam itself. Sufficed to say, we didnt catch any tiger.. 10 hours on the water, 4 tigers spit out lures, 4 wild African wasp stings, 2 emperor scorpions and spans of spiders on the island we tied off for braai lunch.. it was brilliant though.. and 2 large male hippos only 100 metres away. This Is Africa! TIA!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spiders on the Farm

Walking around today and the spiders are out in force all over the place. Some places, the webs are more stunning than the spiders themselves. Im still searching around here for more spiders and im sure ill find more. No spiders were harmed in the shooting of this collection.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kackaging Cont.


Yes that's right.. Kackaging.. Kak Packaging, whether its the name, design or product that it's selling..
Imagine being the designers behind these beautiful pieces of work. What goes through your mind when you need concepts for Big Boy soap? How do you scamp for Fem Tight? Do you really need colour proofs for Virginity Soap? But the prize for me is the Ginger Nuts Balls.. what a name.. i evidently bought a cup of Ginger Nuts Balls and enjoyed them. Let's not read much into that. I must apologise for the terrible photography.. crappy phone camera. Otherwise, enjoy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Corporate ID- Showpiece Homes

Corporate Identity for a friend. He specifically wanted black as the main colour, we ended up warming it up with some additional colours that would be used throughout the branding process. The logo however remained as a a shade of black on full black.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Personal Work

Mural of my trip to Mozambique. Tried showing the faces of the people there because they are the most friendliest people with big hearts and not so big pockets.

This building in Lusaka has been around for ages and was recently refurbished. It is the HQ for ZANACO Bank and there corporate colour is that red, the red piece on the building is actually there. It is part of there building branding.

Boredom. Design. Beauty.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Braai times with the family. No power but light prevails.

Carrot Freak

Bags of carrots sitting in the veranda ready for drying to be put into achaar. This carrot caught my attention.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Farhaan a la mode

Creating a portrait for my cousin Farhaan. 95% photography, the rest is Photoshop.

Tom Thumbs

New Year's eve 2009.. preperations for fireworks. Tom Thumbs exploding! Do you remember Tom Thumbs?

Andrew the Chameleon

This was a totally on the spot find. Watering the garden I noticed this Chameleon (I named him Andrew) walking about on the palm frings.. ran inside to get my camera and started snapping away. One of my favorite photos.