Monday, August 9, 2010

Kestrel Air Rebrand

Kestrel Air Original Logo.
Brief: Create a new logo to reflect old school travel with a 5 star luxury appeal to cater for those who fly for Hunting Safaris and Walkabouts.
Target Market: Wealthy foreigners, enthusiastic about African Luxury Safaris.

Kestrel Air New Logo.
Concepts: The Kestrel: The "K"-  Wings, talons, grace, flight
Africa: Colours, texture, patterns, font
Air Travel: The "K" represents the rear upright wing of an aircraft and can be easily used as branding on the wing itself

Monday, August 2, 2010

Victoria Sunset

Sunset in Livingstone over the truly inspirational Victoria Falls. Mosi-O-Tunya (The Smoke That Thunders)